We invite you to Atyrau region which is one of the most developed industrial regions of Kazakhstan, where foreign and domestic investments are concentrated. This is a region that constantly provides rapid development of the economy not only in the region, but also in the Republic in general, and it accounts for more than 28% of all investments in fixed capital of the Republic.
The region also holds the leading places in the Republic of Kazakhstan in terms of gross regional product (GRP) and average salaries.
We successfully cooperate with more than 50 countries of the world and implement foreign trade operations in various sectors of the economy with such countries as: USA, Great Britain, Italy, countries of the Eurasian Economic Union, Canada, Spain and many others.
More than 1,000 joint and foreign enterprises were created and successfully operate in the region, including such large global transnational companies as Chevron, Eni, Exxon Mobil and others.
This cooperation attracts modern management, the latest equipment and advanced technologies to the region.
Dear friends!
We invite you to the "Oil Capital of Kazakhstan" Atyrau, so that you will be able to, personally, know the investment potential of the region and consider the possibility of establishing new industries. And we, for our part, are open to discuss all ideas and proposals, and look forward to the implementation of joint projects in various economic sectors.
Favorable geographical location (bordering the Astrakhan region of the Russian Federation, as well as the Caspian Sea with Iran, Turkmenistan, Azerbaijan, located in the transport corridor connecting Eastern Europe and the Transcaucasian countries with the Central Asian region and the People’s Republic of China)
Rich mineral and raw materials base (there are 88 oil fields in the region, which makes up 73% of the country's hydrocarbon raw materials and 21 free deposits of common mineral resources)
The region accounts for about 25% (5.7 trillion KZT in 2017) of industrial production of the RK, of which the extractive sector is 5.1 trillion. tons
The number of entities is 55 thousand units, employing more than 121.5 thousand people, which is 40.1% of the economically active population of the region
One of the lowest tariff policy for gas and electric power for legal entities, 17.7 tenge per 1 cubic meter and 17.96 tenge per 1 kW respectively
The population as of January 1, 2018 was 620.5 thousand people (an increase of 26.8% over 10 years)
The presence of the FEZ "National Industrial Petrochemical Technopark" with a total area of 3.4 thousand hectares, in the territory of which in the next 5 years it is planned to implement 15 large oil and gas chemical projects for a total amount of more than 15 billion dollars
The main branches of the regional economy, which form a significant part of the GRP, are the mining industry, oil refining, machine building, trade, and construction.
In the structure of industry in 2017, the share of the mining sector was 88%, manufacturing 10.8%, others 1.2%.
№ |
The name of indicators |
2007 year |
Multiplicity of growth over 10 years |
The value of indicators for the year 2017 |
The share of the region in the republic for 2017 |
1 |
Population, thousand people. |
490,4 |
1,26 |
620,5 |
3,4 |
2 |
Volume of industrial production, million tenge |
1 415 800 |
4 |
5 676 100 |
25 |
3 |
Volume of manufacturing products, mln. Tenge |
127 100 |
3.8 |
491 900 |
5,37 |
4 |
Gross agricultural production, million tenge |
12 851 |
4,9 |
62 700 |
1,53 |
5 |
Investments in fixed assets, mln. Tenge |
764 400 |
3,2 |
2 456 500 |
28 |
6 |
Volume of construction works, mln. Tenge |
176 500 |
3,19 |
563 700 |
16,2 |
7 |
The volume of retail trade, million tenge |
49 007 |
5,26 |
257 777 |
2,91 |
In 2017, the volume of production in the mining industry amounted to 5121.4 billion tenge and increased compared to the previous year by 20.8%.
The basis of the mining industry is the extraction of oil and gas, sand and salts.
Production of 42.3 million tons of oil and 20.9 billion cubic meters of associated petroleum gas, respectively, 125.6% and 131.3% compared to 2016.
"Tengizchevroil" LLP produced 28.7 million tons of oil, or 104.1% of the level of 2016, gas associated petroleum - 15.7 billion cubic meters (104.4%).
In “Embamunaigas” JSC oil production amounted to 2.8 million tons (100.3%), gas associated petroleum - 199.7 million cubic meters (104.5%).
Company "NCOC" produced 8.3 million tons of oil and 4.9 billion cubic meters of gas associated petroleum.
The mining industry is concentrated mainly in 5 districts of the oblast: Zhyloy, Makat, Kyzylkoga, Isatay and Kurmangazy districts.
109 deposits of minerals have been explored in the region. For investors, there are 21 free deposits (construction and technological raw materials).
The goal of state support for investments is to create a favorable investment climate for economic development and stimulate investment in the creation of new ones, expand and update existing production facilities using modern technologies, improve the skills of Kazakhstani personnel, and protect the environment.
State support for investment consists in the provision of investment preferences.
State support for investments is carried out by the Investment Committee of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan, determined by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan, on concluding investment contracts and monitoring their implementation.
In accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the procedure for providing investment preferences for investment, investment priority and special investment projects is provided.
nvestment preferences are the advantages of targeted nature provided in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan:
legal entities of the Republic of Kazakhstan, implementing the investment project;
leasing companies importing under the investment project technological equipment on the basis of a financial leasing agreement for a legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan that implements the investment project.
A legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan is a legal entity, including a legal entity with foreign participation established in accordance with the procedure established by the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan.
exemption from customs duties and value added tax on imports;
state full-time grants - the maximum amount of a state full-time grant is no more than thirty percent of the volume of investments in fixed assets of a legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan (land plots, buildings, structures, machinery and equipment, computers, measuring and control devices and devices, vehicles excluding motor vehicles), production and household equipment).
is a set of activities that involve investments in the creation of new, expansion and / or renovation of existing production facilities, including production, created, expanded and (or) updated during the implementation of the public-private partnership project, including the concession project.
for the creation of new production facilities, providing for the implementation by a legal person of investments in the construction of new production facilities (factory, factory, shop) in the amount of not less than two millionth of the monthly calculated figure (2405 tenge), established by the law on the republican budget and acting as of the date of filing the application for granting investment preferences;
to expand and / or update existing production facilities, providing for the implementation by a legal person of investments in the amount not less than five million times the monthly calculation index established by the law on the republican budget and acting as of the date of filing an application for investment preferences in the modification of fixed assets, including renewal renovation, reconstruction, modernization) of existing production facilities that produce products.
are granted only to Kazakhstan legal entities which plan implementation of investment projects in priority activities according to the list of priority activities established by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan
![]() | Part 1 - a list of activities for investment projects; |
![]() | Part 2 - list of activities for investment priority projects. |
1) the beneficiary is a legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan; |
2) a legal entity carries out investments of at least two million (to create new productions) or five-million-fold (by expansion and (or) renovation of existing production facilities) the amount of the monthly calculated index established by the law on the republican budget and effective as of the date of filing an application for investment preferences; |
3) the legal entity carries out the types of activities included in the list of priority activities identified for the implementation of investment priority projects; |
4) a legal entity is not: an autonomous educational organization in accordance with the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on education; an organization that carries out activities in the territory of a special economic zone in accordance with the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on special economic zones; |
5) the share of the state and (or) a subject of the quasi-public sector a legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a founder and (or) participant (shareholder) of a legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan does not exceed twenty-six percent. The participation of the state and (or) a subject of the quasi-public sector a legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan as a founder and (or) participant (shareholder) of a legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan is no more than five years from the date of registration of the investment contract. Within five years, the state and (or) the subject of the quasi-public sector are obliged to withdraw from the founders and (or) participants (shareholders) of the legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan. In case of non-fulfillment of this condition, the application of investment preferences shall be suspended until its (their) complete exit from the founders and (or) participants (shareholders) of the legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but not more than one year. Failure to comply with the condition to withdraw from the founders and (or) participants (shareholders) of a legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan during the suspension period entails the early termination of the investment contract and the return of previously granted investment preferences. The provisions of this subparagraph do not apply in the case when the subject of the quasi-public sector in which the share of the state and (or) the subject of the quasi-public sector as a founder and (or) participant (shareholder) of the legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan is less than fifty percent, investment priority project for the extraction of coalbed methane; |
6) for the implementation of the investment priority project, no budgetary funds are used as sources or guarantees of financing, except for money allocated under terms of repayment, urgency and payment, including leasing financing and lending; |
7) investment activity is not carried out within the framework of a public-private partnership agreement, including a concession agreement. |
Preferences |
Investment project |
Investment Priority Project |
Special investment project |
Exemption of customs duties |
+ / 5 years |
+ / 5 years |
+ / 5 years |
+ / 15 years |
State full-time grants |
+ Maximum size: 30% of the investment volume |
+ Maximum size: 30% of the investment volume |
+ Maximum size: 30% of the investment volume |
Tax preferences |
Export exemption from VAT |
+ / 5 years |
+ / Validity of the special investment contract |
+ / 10 years |
+ / 3 years |
Land |
+ / 10 years |
Property tax |
+ / 8 years |
Investment grant |
The volume of investments is not less than 5 000 000 MCI |
Legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan
Kinds of activity: The decision from 14.01.2016 № 13 (a part 1 list) |
Recipient: Legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan; Kinds of activity: The decision from 14.01.2016 № 13 (a part 2 the list); Investment size: the legal entity carries out investments in the amount of at least two million (to create new productions) or a five-million-fold (by expansion and (or) renovation of existing production facilities) the amount of the monthly calculated index established by the law on the republican budget and effective as of the date of filing an application for investment preferences; a legal entity is not: an autonomous educational organization in accordance with the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on education; an organization that carries out activities in the territory of a special economic zone in accordance with the tax legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan and the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on special economic zones; List of participants: the share of the state and (or) the subject of the quasi-public sector as a founder and (or) participant (shareholder) of the legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan does not exceed twenty-six percent; Failure to comply with the condition to withdraw from the founders and (or) participants (shareholders) of a legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan during the suspension period entails the early termination of the investment contract and the return of previously granted investment preferences. Exception: when the subject of the quasi-public sector, in which the share of the state and (or) the subject of the quasi-public sector as a founder and (or) participant (shareholder) of the legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan is less than fifty percent, carries out its activities within the framework of the investment priority mining project methane of coal seams; Sources of financing:
for the implementation of the investment priority project, budgetary funds are not used as sources or guarantees for financing;
PPP agreement: investment activity is not carried out within the framework of a public-private partnership agreement, including a concession agreement. |
1.The recipient
1) a legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan registered as a participant in a special economic zone in accordance with the legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan on special economic zones; 2) a legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan registered as the owner of a free warehouse in accordance with the customs legislation of the Republic of Kazakhstan; 3) the legal entity of the Republic of Kazakhstan has concluded an agreement on the industrial assembly of motor vehicles; Activities: The legal entity carries out the types of activities included in the list of priority activities approved by the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan. |
Завод по переработке верблюжьей шерсти и овечьей шерсти ТОО «Caspiy Lana Atyrau»
Место расположения: г. Атырау, Северная промышленная зона, строение 14
Директор: Есмаканова Назгул Балапановна
Вид деятельности: Переработка верблюжьей шерсти и овечьей шерсти
Мощность проекта I-этап:Переработка 100 тонн верблюжьей шерсти и 350 тонн овечьей шерсти. II-этап: Производство 400 тыс. погонных метров суконных и стеганных одеял и пледов.
Контактные данные: +7 701 5141476
Год ввода в эксплуатацию: 2016 г.
Фармацевтический завод по производству лекарственных препаратов ТОО «LUMPAN CASPIAN PHARMACEUTICALS LLP»
Место расположения: г. Атырау, по трассе Атырау–Уральск
Директор: Даулетжанова Забира Жагапаровна
Вид деятельности: Производство лекарственных препаратов
Мощность проекта Таблетки - 1 200 млн. штук, капсулы – 300 млн. штук, ампулы – 54 млн. штук, мази – 12 млн. упаковок, жидкости – 16 млн. флаконов
Контактные данные: +7 778 7412608
Год ввода в эксплуатацию: 2026 г.
Молочно-товарная ферма ТОО «СП Первомайский»
Место расположения: Атырауская область, Махамбетский район, село Бейбарыс
Директор: Калисова Гульсим
Вид деятельности: Производство молока и молочной продукции
Мощность проекта Молоко 3,2% – 480 000 тн.; Молоко 2.5%-1,2% – 500 000 тн.; Кисло молочной продукции – 240 000 тн.; Творог 9%-3% – 540 000 тн.
Контактные данные: +7 701 5662640
Год ввода в эксплуатацию: 2013 г.